Download the Desktop App

Select your operating system and play Lightgliders on your computer anytime.
windows logoA red Gliddle posing

Download for Windows

Requires Windows 8.1/10 or newer
Apple logoA blue Gliddle posing

Download for macOS

Requires macOS 10.11 or newer

Install Guide

  1. On a computer, press Download and then open the installer.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Lightgliders.
    (Your virus protection software may not recognize Lightgliders. Be sure to keep the download and then open/run anyway to complete installation.)
  3. Either you or your child can log in and start playing!
  4. Don't see your download link? Check this link for all download options.
  1. On a computer, select your operating system and open the installer.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Lightgliders.
  3. Either you or your child can log in and start playing!