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Glider Gazette

Weekly Lightglider news for faith and fun!


June 17, 2024

“Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.” - Luke 2:52 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

My name is Marlon. You’ll usually find me hanging out in the Library at Lightglider Academy. I am from the United States and I love doing two things - reading books and working out. It’s important to exercise the mind and the body. I am often considered the more “brainy” of the Academy leaders. I investigate any new idea before believing or acting upon it. That’s why I was one of the last to join the Academy leaders. I had to make sure that rescuing Gliddles and clearing blight were the right things to do. Usually when we are thinking of others before ourselves, it is the right thing to do. But I had to make sure that the consequences of these actions were good, and not just their intention.  

I am passionate about discovering truth. We are in a world filled with many ideas competing for our attention. Ideas are either helpful or hurtful to others, ourselves, and the world around us. My hope for you and for Lightgliders everywhere is that we learn to tell the difference between a good idea and a bad one. This understanding is what wisdom is all about. 

I encourage you to seek wisdom and truth. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in your search. And focus on the most important questions, the ones that have the greatest impact on your life and the world around you. Two thousand years ago a man named Jesus claimed to be God and said that whoever believes in him would receive eternal life. People believed him at the time and still do to this day. I encourage you to investigate if His claim is true. If it is, it impacts absolutely everything! Jesus once asked his followers “Who do you say that I am?” Take time to answer this question for yourself. 

In my investigation, I found His claim to be true. I also discovered that seeking Him is the key to wisdom.  

Glide On!


Take some time this week to focus on Wisdom and what it looks like for you to investigate truth! Here are some reflection questions that will help.

• Read Luke 2:52 in the Bible. What are ways to grow in wisdom and in stature?

• Why can we trust the Bible?

• Who do you go to when you have questions?

• What is your favorite Bible story or verse?

• What decisions in your life require God’s wisdom?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• Treehouse Contest week! Decorate your treehouse UNDERGROUND with your favorite underground base and let a mod know why it’s awesome! Nominate your friends for the amazing work they’ve done on theirs!

• Play the Game of the Week, Glide Hockey Worldwide, and get on the leaderboard! The top 5 Lightgliders on Saturday morning get a surprise in their inventory!

• Watch the Sparks and Prayers on the FrontPage


• Use this week’s Mystery Code - MARLON - to receive some gold to use in Glider Gear!

Join us for Prayer Time with PenelopeMonday (12pm EST / 11am CST), Wednesday (5pm EST / 4pm CST), and Friday (12pm EST / 11am CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4pm EST / 3pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 1pm EST / 12pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 3pm EST / 2pm CST! Join moderator Viola today for a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #200

June 15, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Sparkle Peppermint Superstar and Max Hungry Sleuth! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Sparkle and Max have both been nominated by fellow Lightgliders for being amazing friends, super encouraging, and for having awesome treehouses! Way to go you two!!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Mountain Melee

Hey, it’s Tambika! This bonus mission we’re sending you on is definitely tough, but I think you are the right Lightglider for the job! You’ll be going into the mountains to take on another Machine spawner. You’ll need some fancy gliding skills to brave the waves of Machines!

Be ready to dodge and weave through the Machine attacks, and let the Gliddles you rescue help you out! Be sure to check your Gliddles’ energy levels at the bottom of the screen. If all of your Gliddles are tired, send them back to the Academy and rescue more!

Once you’ve defeated the Machine spawner, you’ll be able to save all the Gliddles without trouble. Try to save a purple Gliddle or two for the end. Their chain lightning powers are very strong against Machines that try to rush at you. Keep them at bay and glide on!

Glide On!

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June 10, 2024

“But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.” - Mark 10:43 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

My name is Nisha. I am one of the “quieter” Lightgliders. You may not notice me and I don’t mind that at all. You can make a powerful impact on the world without anyone even knowing your name!

I was born and raised in India. Being the oldest of seven kids, I had a lot of responsibility with my brothers and sisters. They needed me to be consistent and caring. Do you have siblings? Having little brothers and sisters has taught me a lot about what it means to give without expecting much in return. I came to Lightglider Academy a bit nervous. There were so many big personalities and talented people here. Bryce is courageous. Tambika leads the Academy. Marlon is a genius. I didn’t know what I had to offer, so I just looked for ways to serve. I helped Bryce plan out Yonders missions in Mission Control. I assisted Kwan as he created new tech in the Innovation Lab. I worked with Tambika to organize new Treehouses for the Gliddles. One day Tova thanked me for doing the little things that seemed to go unnoticed. She said, “Nisha, you are effective at making others effective! You multiply the impact of those around you. And, for that, I say thank you!” 

I have learned that little things make a big difference. It brings me joy to serve. Putting the needs of others before my own helps me to be humble and encourage others all at the same time!

Glide On!


Take some time this week to focus on Service and what it looks like for you to serve those around you in both big and small ways! Here are some reflection questions that will help.

• Read Mark 10:43 in the Bible. According to this verse, what makes the people of God different?

• Who do you know that is quiet and wise?

• What does it mean to show hospitality?

• In what ways might you serve those around you today?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• New Ambassadors and Senior Ambassadors announced this week! Check out the Spotlight Blog and say congrats to our newest leaders inside the Academy!

• Play the Game of the Week, Fruit Fling, and get on the leaderboard! 

• Watch the Sparks and Prayers associated with the theme This Week

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - NISHA - to receive some gold to use in Glider Gear!

Join us for Prayer Time with PenelopeMonday (12pm EST / 11am CST), Wednesday (5pm EST / 4pm CST), and Friday (12pm EST / 11am CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4pm EST / 3pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 1pm EST / 12pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 3pm EST / 2pm CST! Join moderator Viola today for a game of Fire on the Mountain in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #199

June 8, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to our newest Ambassadors and Senior Ambassador, Simeon Dashing Thinker, Luna Humble Marvel and Luna Coconut Buccaneer! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Congratulations to our newest leaders in the Academy!!

New Ambassadors:

Simeon Dashing Thinker 

Luna Humble Marvel 

Promoted to Senior Ambassador:

Luna Coconut Buccaneer 

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Guard Dogs

Bryce here! I have a special mission for you. There are small groups of Machines that are patrolling the Yonders. I need you to help battle them! It looks like they aren’t too difficult to defeat, but their Materials disappear quickly!

Slow and steady wins the race with these Machines. Try to battle the smaller guard Machines first, since their Materials last longer than the pink Machines!

Using a Pink Gliddle to soften the Machine’s armor and then using an Orange Gliddle to slow them down is a strong tactic. Make sure to stay clear of the yellow Machines, but rush the pink ones!

Glide On!

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June 3, 2024

“For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.” - Galatians 5:13 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

Hi, I’m Kwan. I was born and raised in South Korea. I have always been curious and inventive. And I like to work behind the scenes. My biggest passion at Lightglider Academy is to figure out the blight problem. That dark ooze is destroying the land and taking away its beauty and purpose. Have you seen it yet on one of your missions? Thankfully, we can use our light to clear the blight. But, I want to find a permanent solution. That is my goal.

I usually hang out in the Innovation Lab. Feel free to come visit me there. I work closely with the Gliddles to invent things that can help -- better gliders, new technologies, stuff like that. To solve problems, we need to be creative and we need to work together!

I don’t like to be the center of attention but that doesn’t mean I can’t make a powerful impact on the world. I work behind the scenes to help Tambika run the Academy, assist Bryce on missions, and support each Lightglider in the mission to Respect, Rescue and Restore. I have discovered ways to use my unique gifts to help others. I’ve learned that a great way to develop friendships is to be a friend to others and to look for ways to serve them. When we work with our friends, using our unique gifts, we can accomplish great things while building a wonderful community!

So, I encourage you today–be a friend to everybody and watch how God uses you!

Glide On!


Take some time this week to focus on Friendship and what it means to serve each other using your unique gifts! Here are some reflection questions that will help.

• Read Galatians 5:13 in the Bible. How should we use the freedom that God has given us?

• What does it mean to “work behind the scenes?”

• Who is a good example of someone who leads with humility?

• Who needs your support and encouragement today?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• Play the Game of the Week, Coin Catcher, and get on the leaderboard! The top 5 Lightgliders get some gold added to their inventory!

• Watch the Sparks and Prayers associated with this week’s theme


• Use this week’s Mystery Code - KWAN - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Join us for Prayer Time with PenelopeMonday (12pm EST / 11am CST), Wednesday (5pm EST / 4pm CST), and Friday (12pm EST / 11am CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4pm EST / 3pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 1pm EST / 12pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 3pm EST / 2pm CST! Join moderator Viola today for a game of Leap Cat in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #198

June 1, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Fluffy Tricky Roamer and Zane Amazing Bunch! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Both Fluffy and Zane have been nominated by fellow Lightgliders for being great encouragers, helpful in the Academy, and all around fantastic friends to have! Way to go you two! Keep it up!!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!


Hi there! My name’s Kwan, and I handle technology at the Academy. I have a mission for you that requires some quick thinking! The Entryway to some sort of abandoned building has a ton of special switches and secrets, so explore every nook and cranny of this level! Rumor has it that there’s also some sort of giant Machine somewhere on the Entryway grounds!

Can you get into the first room of the building? There’s some sort of special switch that you have to find and press… maybe it’s in a hard-to-reach area? Or maybe it’s hidden in plain sight? You’ll have to go to find out!

Glide On!

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May 27, 2024

“And then he told them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” - Mark 16:15 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

Professor Watts had asked me to tell you a little about myself and to share with you one of my character qualities that stands out. I’m Bryce, one of the leaders at Lightglider Academy. I’m from Australia and I am passionate about doing courageous things, such as going on missions to the Yonders, shining light in the darkness, and sharing the good news with my friends. I’m not afraid to go and try to make an impact. Living for something greater than ourselves is the secret to living a life of purpose. It’s not always easy, but it does make life an adventure!

One of my most admirable character qualities is bravery. That simply means I live with courage! No matter what I am facing, I know that God loves me and is with me. This motivates me to be brave and to never give up.  

If you seek to learn new things and to make a difference in the lives of others, you will have to be brave. You will have to face new challenges with courage.

What is going on in your life right now that requires bravery? I encourage you to face it and keep going!

Glide On!


Take some time this week to focus on Bravery and what it looks like for you to be brave! Here are some reflection questions that will help.  

• Read Mark 16:15 in the Bible. What does it mean to “preach the Good News to everyone”?

• What meaningful moments has God used in your life?

• In what ways could you be more loving?

• What does it mean to live for something greater than yourself?

• What are you doing right now that requires bravery?

• How can you rely on God to help you be brave and courageous?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• PARTY WEEK!! Join us on Friday at 5pm EST / 4pm CST in the Academy for the Gadgets & Gizmos Party!!

• Play the Game of the Week, Treehouse Jumping, and get on the leaderboard!

• Watch the Sparks and Prayers associated with this week’s theme

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - BRYCE - to receive some gold to use in Glider Gear!

Join us for Prayer Time with PenelopeMonday (12pm EST / 11am CST), Wednesday (5pm EST / 4pm CST), and Friday (12pm EST / 11am CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4pm EST / 3pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at 6pm EST / 5pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 7pm EST / 6pm CST! Join moderator Viola today for a Race around the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: PARTY DAY!! Meet in the Courtyard at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for the Gadgets & Gizmos party!

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #197

May 25, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Blaze Epic Champion and Faith Adventurous Marvel! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Blaze Epic Champion has been nominated for the Spotlight for being kind, funny, helpful, smart, and creative! Way to go, Blaze!!

Faith Adventurous Marvel has been nominated for the Spotlight by a fellow Lightglider who said, “I would like to nominate Faith for next Spotlight because she is a really nice friend, and she is willing to help out with anything. She always shows the love of God and is really a blessing to other Lightgliders!” Keep it up, Faith!


And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Flooded Bunker

Bryce here! Good job in the previous Bunker! You’re becoming a tremendous Lightglider. I have another mission for you. We’ve found another Bunker that creates Machines, this time underneath the big lake in the Yonders. The Machines there will be alerted to your presence, so stay sharp! Remember, different Gliddles are better at battling some Machines than others, so pay attention to the colors of the Machines and your Gliddles! Right-click to swap your active Gliddle!

Orange Gliddles are better in one-on-one battles…

...and Yellow Gliddles are great for taking on a crowd!

We’ve found strange energy signatures from the cell blocks! Could there be something hidden inside? 

You got this, but stay alert! Our sensors show there might be a giant Machine in there…

Glide On!

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May 20, 2024

“If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.” - Romans 12:8 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

Jabari yako rafiki! That means ‘How are you my friend?’ in Swahili. I’m Tambika. I manage Lightglider Academy while Professor Watts is away. Running this place isn’t easy, but it is rewarding. I try to meet all the new Lightgliders when they arrive in the Courtyard. That is a fun part of my job! 

I was born and raised in Tanzania. Do you know where that is? It is a beautiful country in Africa. Growing up, I always looked for leadership positions in my school and community. I love to serve others through organization. I love plans. I love calendars. I love details. And all of these things are important at Lightglider Academy. Otherwise, everything would be more chaotic than it already is!

I encourage you to use your gifts to serve others. We need people in this world with all types of gifts and talents. No matter how you are gifted, always remember that being a leader means serving others first. This is called servant leadership.

Glide On!


• Read Romans 12:6-8 in the Bible. What gifts do you believe God has given you?

• What does it mean to be a leader by first becoming a servant?

• In what ways could you be a servant leader?

• What are your gifts and talents and how can you use them to serve others?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• It’s Find a Mod week! Find the moderator Penelope in the Academy, say hello, and receive a prize!

• Play the Game of the Week, Rescue Roundup, and get on the leaderboard!

• Watch the Sparks and Prayers associated with this week’s theme

• Use this week’s Mystery Code - TAMBIKA - to receive 100 Gold Coins!

Join us for Prayer Time with PenelopeMonday (12pm EST / 11am CST), Wednesday (5pm EST / 4pm CST), and Friday (12pm EST / 11am CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.     

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4pm EST / 3pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at 6pm EST / 5pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at 7pm EST / 6pm CST! Join moderator Viola today for a game of Follow The Leader in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #196

May 18, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Peaches Brooklyn Crunch and Lavender Adventurous Victory! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Peaches Brooklyn Crunch has been nominated for the Spotlight for “always being so nice and friendly” in the Academy! Way to go, Peaches!

Lavender Adventurous Victory has been nominated for the Spotlight for “being kind in every way, being funny, and encouraging!” Keep it up, Lavender!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Mountain Melee

Hey, it’s Tambika! This bonus mission we’re sending you on is definitely tough, but I think you are the right Lightglider for the job! You’ll be going into the mountains to take on another Machine spawner. You’ll need some fancy gliding skills to brave the waves of Machines!

Be ready to dodge and weave through the Machine attacks, and let the Gliddles you rescue help you out! Be sure to check your Gliddles’ energy levels at the bottom of the screen. If all of your Gliddles are tired, send them back to the Academy and rescue more!

Once you’ve defeated the Machine spawner, you’ll be able to save all the Gliddles without trouble. Try to save a purple Gliddle or two for the end. Their chain lightning powers are very strong against Machines that try to rush at you. Keep them at bay and glide on!

Glide On!

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