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Glider Gazette

Weekly Lightglider news for faith and fun!


July 22, 2024

“In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” - Matthew 5:16 (NLT)

Hey there, Lightgliders! I’m Kwan and it’s my job to make sure you’re outfitted, trained, and ready for action. We have learned over the last few months that the Lightglider goals, values, mission, and leaders all seek to point to the Far Greater Story of God's love for us revealed in the Bible. As we grow as Lightgliders, we will shine light in the darkness and point others to the Far Greater Story as well!

This week we are reminding our amazing community just what it means to be a Lightglider! So, whether you are new to Lightgliders or have been in the Academy for a while, I encourage you to pay close attention.  

Lightgliders are defenders of good. We are a team that helps out those in need. And, right now, the land of Glideon needs us! For unknown reasons, a mysterious gooey substance called blight is spreading all over the land. At the same time, strange Machines have appeared and are kidnapping the Gliddles! It’s up to us to go on missions into the Yonders to clear away the blight and to rescue the Gliddles from the Machines!

Being a Lightglider is a purposeful adventure. As you engage in all there is to do in the Academy and throughout the Yonders, you will have opportunities to learn about the greatest adventure there is–to know, grow in, and show God’s love. You were made to shine!

Glide On!


P.S. Come find me in the Innovation Lab!

• Read Matthew 5:14-16 in the Bible. What does the Scripture say shines out for all to see?

• In what ways did you shine today?

• What is on your heart to pray about?

• What does it mean to rescue something?

• What does it mean to put others before yourself?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• PARTY WEEK!!!! Join Lightgliders in the Courtyard at 5pm EST / 4pm CST on FRIDAY for the 10-YEAR TENURE party!!

• If you have any final questions about the last 10 years of Lightgliders, don’t forget to submit them in the game through a user report by 1pm EST / 12pm CST on Thursday, July 25 to be answered at the party on Friday!!

• Play the Game of the Week, Glider Training! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday gets a surprise in their inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use the Mystery Code - LIGHTGLIDER - for a surprise in your inventory!

Join us for Prayer Time with PenelopeMonday (12pm EST / 11am CST), Wednesday (5pm EST / 4pm CST), and Friday (12pm EST / 11am CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4pm EST / 3pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 1pm EST / 12pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 3pm EST / 2pm CST! Join moderator Viola today for a game of Silly Sentences in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: PARTY DAY!!! Meet in the Courtyard at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for the 10-YEAR TENURE party!!!

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #205

July 20, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Sparkle Peppermint Superstar, Luna Coconut Buccaneer, and Grace Creative Mastermind! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Congratulations to our Postcard Contest winners this week!!

Sparkle Peppermint Superstar

Luna Coconut Buccaneer

Grace Creative Mastermind

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Lightgliders History Gallery

Tambika sent me this picture of the whole group. I know I am not their father, but I feel like a proud papa. They are each unique image-bearers of God, and I know with all my heart that they were made to shine.

~ Watts

Glide On!

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July 15, 2024

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” - Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

We have learned what it looks like to be a role model and to be faithful with how God has uniquely made us. So now we want to look at “impact,” which is the result of your faithfulness.  As you share God’s love with others in ways that only you can, you will have a great impact. God has created you with unique strengths and gifts! And, according to this week’s theme verse, He has planned good things for you to do with your life. These good things will impact the world in a positive way. I hope that as you go on missions, play games, or watch videos in Lightgliders, you discover what you are passionate about, what you are good at, and what gifts others see in you.  And as you continue to KNOW and GROW in God’s love, you will SHOW others that life with Him is an amazing adventure!

Think about the kind of impact you want to have on the world, and ask God to empower you to be and do everything He created you to be and to do.  

Glide on!


• Read Ephesians 2:8-10 in the Bible. According to these verses, why can we not take credit for our salvation?

• What are some good things God has done through you?

• What makes it hard to do good things sometimes?

• How do you know when you are doing good things?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• There’s a Postcard Contest this week! Send encouraging postcards to friends and nominate the favorites you receive!

• WE WANT YOUR QUESTIONS!! Ever wondered where blight comes from? Or how the Gliddles get their powers? Or where the goals and values of a Lightglider come from? Send in your questions about Lightgliders in the game through a user report by 1pm EST / 12pm CST on Thursday, July 25 to be answered at the party on Friday!!

• Play the Game of the Week, Impossible Glider Challenge, and get on the leaderboard! The top 5 Lightgliders on Saturday get a surprise in their inventory! Look for a message from Gertrude Pumpkin Satchel when you log in this weekend!

• Watch the Sparks and Prayers on the FrontPage


• Use this week’s Mystery Code - IMPACT - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Join us for Prayer Time with PenelopeMonday (12pm EST / 11am CST), Wednesday (5pm EST / 4pm CST), and Friday (12pm EST / 11am CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4pm EST / 3pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 1pm EST / 12pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 3pm EST / 2pm CST! Join moderator Viola today for a game of 20 Questions in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #204

July 13, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Delbert Courageous Hero and Pearl Brooklyn Marshmallow! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Delbert and Pearl were both nominated for this week’s Spotlight by fellow Lightgliders that said they are fun, encouraging, love to play games, and are all around great Lightgliders! Keep it up you two!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Machine Bunker

Hey there! My name’s Bryce, and I’m the head of missions here at Lightglider Academy. I love to save Gliddles from the Machines, so my mission for you is to take on the Machines where it’ll hurt them most! We’ve discovered the location of a Machine Bunker, where Machines are made and sent out into the Yonders. We need to shut this factory down! 

There are lots of Machines in there, so stay alert! Remember, your defense systems can fire automatically, so concentrate on dodging enemy attacks while you battle Machines. Some Machines are programmed to guard doors and hallways. They have lots of armor, but they’re very slow. Stop at a safe distance and you’ll whittle them down!

Go get ‘em!  I’ll be rooting for you!

Glide On!

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July 8, 2024

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” - Luke 16:10 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders!

We’ve been talking quite a bit about the character qualities that our Lightglider leaders display in their lives! We can look up to them and imitate the unique ways they lead, serve, and seek out God’s wisdom! Now you get to take a look at YOURSELF! One of the greatest character qualities for Lightgliders to grow in is faithfulness. The word “faithful” means to be true, steadfast, and loyal. As Lightgliders, we want to be faithful to God and to how He has uniquely made us.

How has God made you unique? What gifts and talents do you have? What is your personality like? Be faithful to use these things for His glory! God is the greatest example of faithfulness. He has been, and will always be, fully faithful to His promises that we read in the Bible. As you are faithful, God’s character will be on display through you!

Can you think of examples of faithfulness? Here are a few that I thought of for when I am in Lightglider Academy:

• Taking care of and decorating my Treehouse so that the Gliddles have a beautiful place to live

• Partnering with the Gliddles to battle the Machines more effectively

• Sending Postcards to other Lightgliders to encourage them

• Sharing joy and wisdom at the events in the Academy each day

And here are a few for when I am in my home:

• Following through on what I say I am going to do

• Doing what my parents ask of me

• Using my words to encourage others

• Taking time to pray to the One who is faithful to me

When we are faithful with what God has given us, we are shining!

Glide On!


Take some time this week to focus on what it means for you to grow in Faithfulness. Here are some reflection questions that will help.

• Read Luke 16:10-12 in the Bible. Why is faithfulness important?

• How can you be more faithful, wise, and generous with what you have?

• Who do you know that is faithful?

• What dreams do you have for the future?

• How are you a faithful person?

• How has God been faithful to you?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• Have you seen all of the Lightgliders' history throughout the Academy?! Glide around and take a look, celebrating 10 years inside the Academy! And while you’re at it, send in your questions about Lightgliders in the game through a user report and we’ll answer them at this month’s party.  

• Play the Game of the Week, Dip’n’Dodge! Everyone on the leaderboard this Saturday will receive a surprise in their inventory!

• Watch the Spark and Prayer Videos

• Use the Mystery Code - FAITHFUL - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Join us for Prayer Time with PenelopeMonday (12pm EST / 11am CST), Wednesday (5pm EST / 4pm CST), and Friday (12pm EST / 11am CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4pm EST / 3pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 1pm EST / 12pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 3pm EST / 2pm CST! Join moderator Viola today for a game of Duck Duck Boost in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #203

July 6, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Silas Legendary Conqueror and Iris Swift Tailor! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Silas has been nominated for the Spotlight for being a great friend inside the Academy! Keep it up, Silas!

And Iris has been nominated by a fellow Lightglider who recognized how awesome her treehouse is! Nice work, Iris!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Blighted Grassland

It’s Tambika, calling on you again to take on a new mission! We’re sending you into the Grasslands, a sprawling area that’s filled with blight and Machines. Keep your wits about you and be on the lookout for secret areas! And check out that cool speedboat in the water; who do you think brought that to the Grassland?

We’ve picked up several hidden areas with our sensors. Look for these around fences, grates, and doors and you might find a ton of treasures!

Glide On!

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July 1, 2024

“Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!” - Nehemiah 8:10 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

How do you make an octopus laugh?  With ten-tickles! 

If you thought that joke was funny, then please know that it was mine. If you didn’t, then it was Marlon’s!

Hey everybody, I am Santiago! I try to bring life to the Lightglider Academy party! I cannot tell you HOW MUCH FUN it is to be alive today. And I cannot tell you how great it is to be a Lightglider. 

You know what the Lightglider goals are, right? RESPECT. RESCUE. RESTORE. I believe that to RESTORE includes bringing joy to people who need it. Sometimes through laughter. Sometimes through music. Sometimes through just hanging out and being friendly. Everyone is totally unique, so it can be difficult to know what will bring joy to another. I make it my goal to find out. Do you know what brings you joy? I would love to know!

I grew up in Honduras in a large house with a bunch of other boys. None of us were related but they are my brothers. We’ve been through a lot together. Do you know what brings me joy? People. Having people to talk to, hang out with, and care for is the greatest. I hope you find that here at Lightglider Academy. 

Ok, one more joke. Did you hear about the famous pickle? He was a big dill!

Ah, pickle jokes. I relish them.

Glide on!


Take some time this week to focus on Joy. How you can experience joy and spread it to others! Here are some reflection questions that will help.

• Read Nehemiah 8:10 in the Bible. According to these verses, what is our strength?

• What brings you joy?

• How do you spread joy?

• Who could you give some joy to this week?

• How can your unique personality honor God and impact others?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• WE WANT YOUR QUESTIONS!! Ever wondered where blight comes from? Or how the Gliddles get their powers? Or where the goals and values of a Lightglider come from? Send in your questions about Lightgliders in the game through a user report and we’ll answer them at the monthly party in a special way on July 26!

• It’s Find a Mod week! Find Corrigan in the Academy this week, say hi, and receive a prize!

• Play the Game of the Week, Avoid The Blast and get on the leaderboard! The top 5 Lightgliders on Saturday morning get some gold added to their inventory to use in Glider Gear!

• Watch the Sparks and Prayers on the FrontPage


• Use this week’s Mystery Code - SANTIAGO - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

• There’s a new Gliddle Game Gab on the Front Page this week!

Join us for Prayer Time with PenelopeMonday (12pm EST / 11am CST), Wednesday (5pm EST / 4pm CST), and Friday (12pm EST / 11am CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4pm EST / 3pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 1pm EST / 12pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 3pm EST / 2pm CST! Join moderator Viola today for a game of Guess Who’s Who in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: Meet in the Innovation Lab at 5pm EST / 4pm CST to share game ideas at this week’s time of Gamestorming.

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #202

June 29, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Aurora Dangerous Avenger and Lily Bold Conquerer! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

Aurora has been nominated for the Spotlight by multiple Lightgliders that said she is kind, generous, accepting of new friends, and helps make Lightgliders a FUN place to be! Way to go, Aurora!

Lily was also nominated by a fellow Lightglider for being kind and caring! This Lightglider said Lily also reminded her of the theme verse and was very encouraging! Keep it up, Lily!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Flooded Bunker

Bryce here! Good job in the previous Bunker! You’re becoming a tremendous Lightglider. I have another mission for you. We’ve found another Bunker that creates Machines, this time underneath the big lake in the Yonders. The Machines there will be alerted to your presence, so stay sharp! Remember, different Gliddles are better at battling some Machines than others, so pay attention to the colors of the Machines and your Gliddles! Right-click to swap your active Gliddle!

Orange Gliddles are better in one-on-one battles…

...and Yellow Gliddles are great for taking on a crowd!

We’ve found strange energy signatures from the cell blocks! Could there be something hidden inside? 

You got this, but stay alert! Our sensors show there might be a giant Machine in there…

Glide On!

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June 24, 2024

“Jesus replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” - Matthew 22:37-39 (NLT)

Hey Lightgliders! 

My name is Tova. I was one of the first leaders here at Lightglider Academy. Why? Well, I saw the Gliddles in trouble and I wanted to help. My heart was burdened and I had to come. It really didn’t take a lot of thought or planning. Before I knew it, I was on a mission to the Yonders to rescue and restore.

I was born and raised in the United Kingdom. Growing up, I always enjoyed meeting new people and striking up conversations. I realized that many people are hurting, so I made it my mission to be a source of healing and encouragement. I care deeply for the poor, for orphans, and for those who are lonely. Who do you care deeply for?

I like to think of each day as a new opportunity for a purposeful adventure. You never know what new friend or significant moment awaits you! So be on the lookout, and care for those you encounter. Ask yourself often, “What does love look like here?” 

Glide On!


Take some time this week to think of ways to Care for the people around you! Here are some reflection questions that will help.

• Read Matthew 22:37-39 in the Bible. According to these verses, how are we to love God? How are we to love others?

• What does it mean to go on a purposeful adventure?

• Have you ever been helped by someone you didn’t know very well?

• Think of three hurting people or situations. How can you bring care to them?

Use your Lightgliders Journal to answer these questions!

• It’s a PARTY WEEK! Join Lightgliders on Friday at 5pm EST / 4pm CST in the Courtyard for the Keepin’ It Cool Party!

• Play the BRAND NEW Game of the Week, Tambika’s Blight Blast, and get on the leaderboard! The top 5 Lightgliders get a surprise in their inventory! Look for a message from Gertrude Pumpkin Satchel when you log in this weekend!

• Watch the Sparks and Prayers on the FrontPage


• Use this week’s Mystery Code - TOVA - to receive a surprise in your inventory!

Join us for Prayer Time with PenelopeMonday (12pm EST / 11am CST), Wednesday (5pm EST / 4pm CST), and Friday (12pm EST / 11am CST)! We’ll meet at the Prayer Circle, which is north of the Track.    

• Monday: Join moderators in Mission Control at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for Joke Time! 

• Tuesday: New to the Academy?! Come to the New Player Tour at 4pm EST / 3pm CST and the Talent Show and Spotlight Celebration at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 1pm EST / 12pm CST in the Courtyard to congratulate this week’s Lightglider RES head recipients.  

• Wednesday: Let's play some games in Lightglider Academy at A NEW TIME FOR SUMMER 3pm EST / 2pm CST! Join moderator Viola today for a Crazy Outfit Show in the Academy! 

• Thursday: Join us for Bible Chat in the Library at 6pm EST / 5pm CST to discuss this week’s theme and verse! 

• Friday: PARTY DAY!!! Meet in the Courtyard at 5pm EST / 4pm CST for the Keepin’ It Cool Party!! All Lightgliders in attendance will get some new gear to keep it cool this summer!

• Saturday: Connect with the Ambassadors in the Courtyard at 4pm EST / 3pm CST for some fun and games. 

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Spotlights #201

June 22, 2024

It's time to spotlight some Lightgliders who have been shining brightly in the Academy.  Congratulations to Faith Fearless Adventurer, Iris Swift Tailor, and Simeon Dashing Thinker! You are in the Spotlight and will receive a Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to use this week!

These three Lightgliders are our Underground Base Treehouse Contest Winner!! Congratulations!

And you too can be in the Spotlight and receive the Shining Spotlight Glider and RES Head to wear. Keep shining in all you do in Lightglider Academy -- join the community events, show respect to other Lightgliders, create amazing postcards, rescue Gliddles, restore blight, lead other Lightgliders in a game you made up, or just be a positive influence to others. There are lots of ways to shine!

Sludge Canyon

Hey, it’s Tambika! Your next mission takes you back to the swamps: it’s time to move to Sludge Canyon! These little islands are surrounded by swamp water, but they’re so covered with blight that you can barely move around! This mission will take a lot of RES to clear all the blight and rescue those Gliddles. When you run out of RES, just come back to the Academy and rest. Your RES will recharge and you can take on the blight again!

Have you noticed that there are different kinds of blight? The plain dark blight is easy enough to clear away, but the speckly and gnarly blight require more RES to clear! The more twisted a patch of blight is, the harder it will be to restore. But watch for the purple blight! It often grows on top of RES orbs. Clearing this blight can give you back more RES than you use!

Glide On!

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